Our mission will be accomplished by a community of people who are willing to make small financial sacrifices to help meet the needs of adoptive and foster families. We see in the gospels that Jesus was given 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. With it he fed thousands. Our ask is that each donor gives $1 a week to help families cover adoptions costs. We believe that God will take this small donation and use it to create a movement that impacts thousands.

 Just as we ask individuals to give a little we also asks that the churches and business we partner with make MOOO a part of their annual budget. Our ask is that churches and businesses give $20 a week or $1040 a year. While donations from individuals will go directly to the financial assistance of adopting families, the donations from churches and businesses will help fund our overhead costs. The overhead costs include administrative fees such as insurance, website development, legal fees and office supplies. 

 An annual financial report will be provided to all individuals and organizations who give to Making Others Our Own.