Making Others Our Own exists to bring together individuals, churches, and businesses to share their resources to help families overcome the obstacles of adoption costs and foster care.


By working with M.O.O.O, an adopting family in the final stages of the adoption process, is able to apply for financial assistance for the remaining financial need.

It’s our goal to live out Philippians 2:4 “Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

We seek to remedy and resolve the difficulties of adoption by providing the finances necessary to bring families together.

Our desire it to create a united community where every individual takes ownership of their role in the adoption movement.

By partnering with churches we hope to help launch engaged and informed support systems through local church communities. Our dream is that each believer would find a specific way they can be involved in supporting adoption through their local church, whether that be in giving their time, money, or voice to support families in their church, their community, as the walk through the adoptive process.

Beyond our partnership with individuals who are directly pursuing adoption, our hope is that involvement with M.O.O.O would lead men and women to a broader understanding of where they can personally contribute to the adoption movement. For some that might look like contributing financially and then being an advocate for children in their local legal system. For others it might lead to being a foster parent, or perhaps utilizing their professional connections to share the story of hope that adoption provides.

And finally, we recognize that adoption and foster care agencies are on the front line of connecting children with homes, and we want to support that! We want to be a resource for agencies working with families, and hope to deepen our connections through referrals and relationships. 

Our big dream is that your involvement goes beyond your financial commitment. We hope that you see the difference this is making in the lives of children and families around you, and that you would share the mission of M.O.O.O. in your relationships and community so that others can be involved. 

Because the more people that know, the more kids we see connected to families!